Friday, February 13, 2009


I have slowly regressed into the world's worst updater.

Soooorry. I'd like to tell you that I have already rectified this situation by making a giant 6 page newsletter. But it's just not the truth. I don't even know that I can promise to have a new newsletter out in February. But I should try to get working on it at least.

But for the record. Life in Peru is Fantastic.

I'm trying to relish these last short months I have here in Peru, knowing full well that in July, my life will be changing drastically once more as I readjust to a former culture. Oh, and the fact that I have no idea what I'll do when I get back makes the element of surprise all the more fun. Or something...

The future holds alot of unknowns, but God holds the future, step at a time, no?

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