Monday, May 7, 2007

Excitement quickly fades into reality...

Well...I'm now convinced that college life is stupid. No not the academic side of it, or the pursuit of an education, but come on, whose idea was it to have someone spend four years making new friends and even living with some of the best friends of your life and then within a day having to say goodbye to all of them?? Dumb idea all the way around if you ask me.

I graduated college on Saturday- it was wonderful. I'll try to put some pictures up later, but it was truly a happy day. And then came the goodbyes. Ouch!

I don't think anything hurts my heart more than having to say goodbye to family and close friends without being able to say when you'll see them next. Previous years weren't so bad because it was always, "see you in 3 months after summer!" Now, it's different. Now it's "Have a nice life, I hope we run into each other again someday?" Tough Times. Well, I don't want to sound too depressed, I know that saying goodbye to Anderson University is maybe just little bit higher hurdle than the rest that I have to cross before I leave for Peru, which I can be completely thrilled about. Just one of those things I guess. Oh life...

Spanish Lesson:

"No llore porque termina. Sonríe porque sucedió"

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened!
- Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

Cornucopia of Love said...

Same sentiments ms. Baikie.