Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mi primer temblor...

Never fear friends and family. Trujillo was safe from the terremoto!

Terremoto is the Spanish term for earthquake, which was what happened in Lima. However, in Trujillo, because we are so far north, we only felt a temblor (more akin to a tremor). I was in the middle of my conversation class. I was pretty fidgety all day so I just figured I was getting dizzy from being antsy, but my students quickly assured me that it was in fact the building that was shaking. It felt like it was swaying back and forth. It was definitely a new experience.

But anyway, definitely be praying for the people who were affected by the terremoto for the families of those who were killed and for healing for all of those people who were injured.

In Christ,


Anonymous said...

and praise God for His protective hand over you and your students.

Tisme said...

Hi Gillian,
Praising God that you are well. You continue to be in my prayers!

Miss you,