Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's just all different, ok?

Yep. I changed.

I changed my job. I changed my house. I changed my schedule. I changed my blog.
In short. I changed everything.

Except for me and the fact that I live in Peru still and love every second of it. That's the same.

I recently returned from a trip to the US for a whirlwind two weeks filled with too many things for 2 weeks. You name it, I probably did it. And overall it was a very very lovely trip. A little rough for re-entry shock a couple times, but the fact that I got to see so many people that I loved trumped any sort of discomfort. It really was nice. I got to see one of my college roommates and one of my most favorite girls in the world get married (see picture on the left, eating at the BAGEL SHOP, aka the place where dreams come true), I also was able to see sooo many old friends, and I was able to visit both congregations that have supported me in the past as well as a new/old congregation.

When I was between the ages of recently born-5 years old or so, my family attended Concordia Lutheran Church. I don't remember very much from my time there, but I did knock out four of my teeth on their monkey bars when I thought that I had a solid career ahead of me as a gymnast. I didn't. But I did get the opportunity to visit this church once more and speak to them about the CompArte Peru Music ministry.

Overall, the trip was very encouraging, and I was so happy to be able to share a little bit about life down here with the churches in South Carolina and Colorado.

I was also so happy to return to Trujillo to begin the work here in with CompArte. I also am finding myself with the possibility of getting involved in a few other projects as well, so I'm trying to do my best to hit the ground running with everything! It's nice to be able to know that I won't be bored, but I also don't want to spread myself too thin with my time. But...well,
Here's to you do always know how to keep me on my toes.


Hermes and Alleen said...

I like the new blog! Very fun! Hope to see you soon.

Grace G said...

I love the background of your blog. Looks great. Hope the music ministry goes well. I was very impressed with your students at the concert I attended last year!