Saturday, April 21, 2007

The number of hoops I have to jump through is dwindling

Last Anderson University Orchestra Concert- Check
Last String Ensemble Concert- Check
Last Day of Working in the admissions office- check
Senior Art Review and Exhibition for Interior design- Check

So....the last one was kind of a big important one. I, Gillian Dawn Baikie, have completed my Senior Interior design review as of one day ago. Phew! For those who may not know, part of my requirements for graduation include hanging up my work from the past four years in the gallery here at Anderson University and then presenting myself and my work for about 30 minutes. It's sort of a big deal and sort of not a big deal. It's not a big deal because I know that I'm graduating already and the work is completed. It was a big deal because it meant that I had to get up in front of my entire art faculty and about 40 other adoring fans (ha ha) to completely bear my soul. It was a little daunting because although I love talking, talking about myself and explaining me is a horse of a different color. But nevertheless, that horse pulled through in the end! I think it went well, although I cannot remember the last time that I was that nervous! Even in my music performances and auditions, I don't get quite that nervous. I rarely get nervous when I present my design work, but I think I was so nervous because I guess I'm not 100 percent comfortable talking about myself and trying to define myself. I'll probably post pictures once I get them, but for now, just imagine me in nice clothes behind a podium, in front of a wall of my work, with a very nervous face. You get the idea.

Anyway, the only thing that now stands in my way of boarding that plane to Peru is a little thing I like to call graduation, two wonderful months in Denver with my family, and then packing. I hate packing, but I suppose I can suffer through that though. Oh yeah, and the rest of my support raising.

Speaking of this by the way- Last official check- I had 3150 dollars in support raised, but I've gotten some more checks in, which hopefully will take me up to around 4,000 dollars. Once I have that, I will be 35% done with support raising, which to me is overwhelming! I'd like to thank everyone so far who has donated and I hope that you will keep me in your prayers as I continue to finish raising support!

Blessings in Christ!

Spanish Lesson of the Day!

"Tiempo vuela cuando estas teniendo diversion!" - "Time flies when you're having fun!"

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