Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Easy like Sunday Afternoon.

This past week has been great getting back into my routine in Trujillo. Although, technically, it might not look like a very structured routine, the fact that is in Trujillo gives it a lot more stability.

One of the highlights was this past Sunday afternoon. I love Sundays in Trujillo. My typical schedule is to get up and attend Larco church around 9, then after church, a big group of our friends will get together and we'll either go eat in a restaurant, or someone will cook in their home, and we'll all spend the afternoon in good company, content to just hang out with each other with full bellies and fantastic conversations. Then, we'll head back to church for the night service and then many time, hang out again after church. All in all, it's just a lot of friendship time in general.

This past Sunday, Julie, one of my most favorite people in the world, and fellow ex-patriate in Peru, shared with us her new found talent of cooking Juanes (a traditional dish from the Jungle which consists of seasoned yellow rice and chicken, plus a purple olive and hard boiled egg, wrapped up in a banana leaf and cooked to perfection. It was amaaaaazingly delicious. Here's a photo from the group we had. It was the perfect sunday afternoon!

OH! And probably the biggest highlight of last week...maybe this whole month-

I'm going to be an Aunt!!!! Oy Vey!
I found out that my sister-in-law Tiffany is two months pregnant and due in March! So Congratulations to Marcus and Tiffany!!

Oh my word, a baby in the family. The first actually...well...the first of the James Baikie's. Craaaazy.

I'm not going to lie...Babies freak me out, and my niece or nephew will probably be no exception, but this of course is a very large milestone for the family and very exciting. I'm still trying to convince Marcus and Tiffany to name it Gillian. And if it's a boy, they can name it Gill Ian Baikie. It works either way...that's why it's so great!
Well in any case, from now on I get to be Cool Aunt Gilly who lives in Peru and brings home fun Peruvian things...Or Crazy Aunt Gilly who's always speaking in Spanish, eats guinea pigs, and brings back chocolate covered ants from the jungles of Peru.

I'd be fine with either one.

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