Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This one goes out to my Algerian fans...

So I was checking my Clustrmap today, and noticed that Algeria is my number 4 country for visitors. I just want to thank all four of those Algerians who have taken the time to sit down and read Ms. Baikie goes to Trujillo. I hope that this next post doesn't disappoint.

Actually this next post won't be anything grand, so don't get your hopes up.

Things are going great here. On the personal side of life, it's been great catching up with friends I haven't seen in awhile, and also just figuring out my new routine. Because I have a lot more freetime than I used to, I'm also going to be able to teach some English classes on my own which is great since money that I can earn for myself means more money that can be used for CompArte!

And oh yes, speaking of CompArte...

I'm excited that Ronald and I as well as Ronald's family have been in multiple planning meetings and we are well underway in order to developing CompArte's strategic plan. We've been doing our SWOT analysis and are going to be deciding on our misson statement this week. We also will hopefully be nailing down our logo and getting everything started for launching our website soon. Lots of organizational work to be done, and the faster we get it done the better!

I hope that you will continue to keep CompArte in your prayers and we get ready to finalize our plans for the official curriculum, continue our search for funds, a facility, more instruments, more students, and basically just as all the pieces fall into place...and hopefully the right place.

I will keep you updated as we continue to make developments!

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