Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Lime.

Well, here I sit, once again, at the starbucks in the Lima airport, awaiting a flight that will transfer me from my South American comfort zone, to my North American "somewhat comfortable in a distant kind of memory way" zone.

We (Julie and I) spent the day in Lima spending too much stupid money on overpriced taxis and other assorted inevitable fees including but not limited to transportation, luggage lockers, and airport taxes. But we had a fun time at the US embassy (Julie's getting married and had to do some paperwork), eating a delicious lunch, and shopping until almost dropping at the Lima Markets, where only the persistent hagglers will walk out with a fair price and the dignity of not getting ripped off. After all the mayhem of the day, Julie and I finally ended up at the Jorge Chavez International Airport, where we checked in, and booked it to the Starbucks, where wifi is free....relatively speaking.

Last time I was here, I waited until about 5 in the morning for my flight to leave, and I was exhausted. This time, I leave at 12:45am and I am not cranky. Why? Two reasons.

1) I am excited to go home, see family, be in Colorado, have a cold winter experience, and catch up with old friends i haven't seen in...ooooh, just about forever.

2) I am wearing the coolest things I've bought...maybe ever.

Today in the Lima market, I was shopping around, finishing up the last of my Christmas gift frenzy, and then I saw them...a positive vision in burnt orange, two beauties before my eyes. Yes friends, I bought...

Two handmade rib knit baby alpaca open finger arm warmers. Not just any arm warmers, my first pair of arm warmers, that are so sensibly, fashionably, and awesomely fantastic. Plus, when I wear them, I feel like a superhero. I just need to find a handmade rib knit baby alpaca cape. Next time, Lima time.

In the meantime, Look out USA...things are about to get Peruvian.

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