Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My mind's a little bit scattered a I write this post. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head right now, thoughts about work, about people, about life in general, and I can't seem to hold onto any of them for more than a few moments until a new thought about work or people or life seeks attention and distracts me from the previous musing.

I can't even focus enough right now to write a blog post on one subject, so here's the chex party mix version of what's going on with me right now.

Things at SALI are going well- Classes end tomorrow which means that tomorrow night, I will be boarding a bus for Moyobamba, one of the jungle cities of Peru. I do believe this will be my first trip to a jungle. And I also do believe that I need to pack still. As with all "get-aways" I am looking forward to getting away for a few days, although when I return, I know I will have what is known in Spanish as a "montón" (pile) of work to do.

I'm beginning to take on more here in Peru. More with the Music Ministry, more with SALI, and more with general life business. When I was in college, I was what you could probably consider an "over-achiever" I always had a hand in everything and was always on the go. As I begin to put my hand in more things here in Peru, I think I'm beginning to realize that maybe this "over-achiever"ness is just an ineradicable personality trait of mine- I like being busy, I like having the challenge of doing a lot of things, and when I don't do a lot of things, I get bored. Maybe it's silly, but that's the flame that this moth is drawn to.

And the last party mix thought of the evening- The Vonage internet phone has not worked for at least the past week here in Peru. In the good words of the good Martin Luther I ask: "What does this mean?"

Well friends and family, whom I love dearly, it means that because my only reasonable line of communication to the US is broken, I have not been able to call anyone in the states for awhile. Sorry Friends. Sorry family. I miss talking with you. Pray that it gets fixed soon.

And remember you can always send e-mails at *

*read: Send me e-mails please*