Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Whoops! there goes another rubber tree plant...

WHEW! Did you catch that last week that just flew by? I barely did. It's once again, Tuesday, and I have just realized that another week has quickly passed. However, as short as the last week seemed to go by, I know that I am not the same person I was a mere 7 days ago.

In the last 7 days, I have learned more about God's grace; 7 different times, I have been made aware that God's mercies are new everyday; I have learned lessons from my students; I have made new friends; I have become closer with other friends; I have made mistakes; I have failed at various things; my perceived boundaries have been stretched farther than I thought possible; my Spanish vocabulary has expanded, perhaps by only one or two words, but has expanded nevertheless; I have been content, confident, grouchy, amazed, scared, humbled, happy, sad, wanting, selfish, stressed, and many other things. But I think above all, I have been blessed.

I don't think we always realize that everyday we spend alive is a day we spend learning. I don't always know why God is teaching me the lessons he is teaching me. Aw heck, who am I kidding? I rarely know why God is teaching me the lessons he is teaching me; however, it is my prayer for all of us that God will give us a heart that is yielding and eager to learn.

In other news-

Today, August 21, 2007 is quite the auspicious occasion...for me anyway. Today, dear friends and family, is my one month anniversary of moving to Peru. My first month of living the life of a Peruvian is over. How does it feel?

Blurry. Oh well. ¡Feliz Aniversario a Peru y mi!

How did I celebrate? I ate my first item of food with meat in it from off the street. Usually this is somewhat of a no-no in Peru, for somewhat obvious reasons- I live in a developing country (used to be known as third world, but that's not PC anymore) and it's fairly easy to get sick here. I however would like to think that I have been building up immunity to bad food for the past four years at Anderson University's cafeteria. So, today, I broke the rules and ate a papa rellena off the street. It was good. I'll let you know if I regret it later.

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