Thursday, July 3, 2008

No puedo creerlo...

Resucitó, Resucitó,

Resucitó, Aleluiaaaaaa
This is a song we sing at my church here in Peru about the resurrection.

I am now applying it in a slightly more secular setting in order to speak about my baby angel mac.

Yes, that's right folks. After exactly 4 months after the great hard drive crash of 2008. I FINALLY got my baby angel mac laptop working again. It was a long and difficult struggle. After many attempts of finding someone to fix the hard drive, and then buying new hard drives only find out that they didn't fit, to finally having my mom and dad bring down the golden hard drive that did work, I am typing this blog entry on my "new" mac. I almost cried when the installation was complete.

Part of the problem of fixing the computer quickly is that living in Peru means that is is a little harder finding things like laptop hard drives to fix problems and find solutions that normally in the states, we have easy access to. But, after all this, I am happy to report that my computer is now working and all is right with the electronic world...for now.

This also means that FINALLY I can start updating everyone better. Being without a computer for a while means that communication basically comes to a standstill until I can find a free hour to use someone else's computer or find an internet cafe. So all that to stay, you should be receiving an update letter soon. If you'd like to receive one but aren't on my email list, just leave a comment with your email address on it, or send an email to and let me know.

Also, my mom and dad's first trip to Peru went great! I was very blessed and content to have them come visit, and will by posting my pictures and a decent update soon! I hope everyone is doing well. I look forward to maybe hearing some updates from friends and family back home soon.

Until then, let me share a Bible verse that has been a great comfort to me and a hopefully encouraging reminder to us of who we are in Christ and where we stand in this world.

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:37-39


~marie said...

guess what happened to me this week: my hard drive crashed! no lie!
BUT (thanks in part to your experience) rob had backed it up!
i had to drive to the genius bar at the apple store, but now w/ my new drive i'm back w/ the mac. glad to hear you are too!

Anonymous said...

Neither death, nor life, nor money....

Gillian said...


Anonymous said...

I have this verse on my desk at work where I can see it every norning... :)

(Aunt) Stephanie