Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Strike Out.

I'm pretty sure I've written a similar post to this one a few months back in October, but I once again am taking advantage of the latest Peru Transportation Strike which just so happens to be today. What this means is that the streets are free of honking taxis, of rumbling combis, of ground-shaking micros and relatively clean of the pollution of all three of those methods of public transportation, which means my world is a little quieter and a little more smog free today.

Same story as last time too, the strike in general I'm sure is a negative thing, but I have been handed someone else's lemons and I will make lemonade by enjoying this day of rest. I will catch up on my lesson plans, and my world, and I will love every second of it.

In fact, I am going to go brew myself a lovely cup of coffee and start right now.

Have fun working today!


lesterspiano said...

so. you made me post and then you quit reading. has roto mi corazon con sus manos de piedra

lesterspiano said...

i think this is the beginning of a new blogging era for me. or the resurgence of an old one. you're the liar. i know you talked to julie on the phone. she told me.