Thursday, September 11, 2008

Friends, Pets, Outings.

So much to say, so little energy to write.
Why do I get to this point?! I do this alot! I don't blog about things when they happen because I think, Hm...that was a pretty big event my Peruvian life so surely I will blog about it soon.

Wrong. Super Wrong.

I forget, or keep pushing it away until it ends up being a month since I last posted and so many things have slipped through the bloggy cracks that I cant even figure out what I've missed
writing about anymore. I did however change my blog layout to give people the impression that I did write something new. Nope. Lies, all lies. I just changed the colors around.

Anyway, I'll try to give a brief summary of what's been going.

I am surely blessed by the Lord, because three new additions have recently come into my life. The first, a lovely new 3 bedroom apartment which I share with 5 other peru mission interns. The apartment is furnished with some ugly furniture, an awesome kitchen, a laundry machine, and is somewhat of a step up from the 1 bedroom that my roommate and I were renting before. It's not uncommon for rooms in a house to be rented out, which is what we had before, however, it's kind of like living in a college dorm again, but without alot of other college kids around you living in the same situation. So although my old room was nice for a year, I am enjoying the benefits of a living room and kitchen.

The second addition is also found in our apartment and was bought for 8 soles (roughly 3 dollars). He has blue eyes, gray fur and fits in one hand. He is...Kitty. A little kitten that we recently purchased at the Mayorista Market where you can buy anything and everything, including 8 soles cats. He's fluffy, sleeping on my lap right now and although he runs in between my feet when I'm walking, he's still pretty cool. We're going to have to work on the desire to jump into the fridge everytime it's open though.

The third addition once again is found in the new apartment, lives next door to me and answers to the name Julie Rogers. Yes, my dear friend Julie from Anderson University recently arrived in Trujillo Peru as a new missionary intern for the San Agustin Language Institute. I lived with Julie Senior year in the ministry house and am glad that the Lord decided that one year of us living together was not enough, so he gave me some more Julie time. It's been fantastic, I love having her here! She's a fabulous addition to Peru and has already been making Trujillo a sunnier and more vegetarian friendly place.

Part of the fun of having Ms. Rogers here are the photo excursions. We went on one yesterday when (surprise surprise) there was another transportation strike, which meant no classes yesterday. The good news was that Trujillo saw the first hint of spring with a delicious dose of vitamin D which made for some excellent excursion conditions. Heather (my roommate) and Julie and I spent an excellent day with cameras in hand to explore a little more of our dear city of Trujillo. Here are some pictures below and more can be found on my flickr webpage by clicking on the photo link to the write of this post.

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