Thursday, September 11, 2008

Two for One

Ok since up until last night it had been so very long since I had written a new blog, I've decided that the only way to make it up would be write two within 24 hours of each other. And since I accidentally forgot to bring my student's papers to grade for my weekly starbucks visit, I have nothing else to do.

By the way, I added a few new features to my blog, the first one is a link to a PDF about the Porvenir Music Ministry. A second is a chance for you to sign up to "follow" this blog, I think how it works is that it'll send you updates about when I write a new blog (however few and far between the posts actually are). So, you know, check it out on the right side of this post!

So here I sit in the only starbucks in Trujillo, where the prices are still the same as in the US and not conducive to my Peruvian stipend; the same starbucks that gives me a fantastic opportunity to exercise self control by only coming here on Thursdays. Usually my roommate Heather and I have Thursday morning starbucks dates. However, roomie is sick and that leaves me all by my lonesome to sip on my latte and blog till my heart's content.

Things are going well here in Trujillo. SALI has been growing literally by leaps and bounds. We have shattered another enrollment record for this month at 292 students, we are very close to our lofty goal of 300 students by December, which is especially good to know when just 6 months ago we were hovering around 175-200 students. SALI also for the past few months has reached its goal of being self-sustaining financially, which is very good for the mission, the community, the students, and just good in general. With self-sustainability we are able to improve the institute and expand our resources without depleting any funds from Peru Mission, giving Peru Mission the opportunity to give to other parts of the mission that run in a non-profit way.

It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiife. I mean Circle of Missions.

Other than that, things are going well. I'm gearing up for a trip back to the United States in October to play for a wedding of a dear friend in Anderson, SC. Which means that I will be able to visit some of the churches and individuals who have supported me in my time here in Peru. I'm excited/nervous. Excited because I get to see friends that I haven't seen in over a year and spend time with my dear friends and family in Christ in Anderson. I'm nervous because I haven't stepped foot on U.S. soil for 10 months now, and I'm not sure what it'll be like. I'm sure it will be fine though. More than fine. Great!

Also, I may regret putting this on the internet, but I have signed up for a skype phone number to make it easier for me to contact family and friends in the states as well as to make it easy for friends and family in the states to contact me. So with that said, my new internet phone number (which works just like a US phone number) is 303-242-5543. I have voicemail with it too, so you can also leave me funny or heartfelt message, whichever strikes your fancy.

Strangers and creepy people need not call. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about you try returning a voicemail, huh? How about that?