Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm not really sure that I'm starting out with the purpose of going anywhere specific with this post.

But just to give a little snippet of an update:

Things are going well here, Summer is definitely on its way to Trujillo with the sun blinding me through my apartment window as I type this very entry.

Thanksgiving is officially 14 days away, which means that in precisely 12 days, I will cease all food consumption in order to make room for the massive blowout of food that is coming my way with Peru Mission's annual thanksgiving dinner. (seriously. it's out of control)

I may or may not be going Sandboarding this saturday...more to follow.

Music ministry is going well, and there is some talks of a group from the US coming down sometime next year to help out with it (I'm definitely praying that comes to be)

My wonderful students are almost finished with their Int. 3 cycle, and are doing so very well that one can't help but be proud and amazed.

I went to a Peruvian Amusement park this past week. It's most definitely as sketchy as it sounds and I have bruises from the "safety" equipment...however, I would go back there everyday if I could because it was just so much fun.

And last but not least. Today is my Brother's 29th Birthday (HA) and I can't give him a gift in Person, but I just want him to know that sometimes when life isn't going your way....just remember that
Nobody's Perfect

Happy Birthday to my Brother, the guy who's closest to being perfect without actually being all.


Anonymous said...

Aw, that's sweet. My favorite part: around 1:30 "Then I crash right into it!" (KARATE CHOP ACTION) But you know I just turned 26, right?

Gillian said...

that's my favorite part too.

And 26 is going to turn into 29 soon. I'm just trying to get you warmed up for it.

lesterspiano said...

please tell me that those are your pugs

Gillian said...

Unfortunately no...

But one day when I'm back in the United States and can have dogs, they will be pugs. And they will be dressed in party hats every Tuesday Thursday and Friday.

just to spice up the week.

celiselott said...

Those are the cutest puppies ever!

And... just for fun...

Blog tag!

lesterspiano said...

thought id let you know that i'm baking pumpkin pies (the orange) kind