Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm thankful forrrr......

This Thanksgiving will be the second that I've spent in Peru. It's still a little difficult to be away from Family, but I am very thankful to have my community down here on the mission field with me. The Peru Mission really does a fantastic job of holding up our gluttonous feasting traditions even though we're south of the equator. Tomorrow can only be described, and has been described as a Thanksgiving Smorgasbord, with everyone on the team bringing their Thanksgiving specialties, it's a giant recipe for people to give thanks, share in tradition, and to fight food comas.

I greatly look forward to it.

So what with today being Thanksgiving Eve and all, I did what any 23 year old missionary intern ESL teacher would do. I taught.

This month I am teaching a Basic 5 class (i.e. the English babies), an intermediate 4 class (i.e. the awkward English 8th graders), and an intermediate 8 class (i.e. the I am English 16 going on English 17 year olds.) I love all of my classes. They all have such unique personalities and it's a joy to teach all of them.

Today, my basic 5 class was really fun. My 4 students are currently learning how to give personal information, for example- My name is....My brother's name is...etc. (Basic right?) So in order to practice talking about other people's families (His brother is... her mother's name is...etc) We constructed family trees for each other on the white board using some amazing clip art stick figures and sticky tack. Some of the pictures are below.

Vanessa is hard at work on Sara's Family tree

Too bad my students are so stinking awesome.

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