Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Season....has begun.

Globalism and its effects on Peru can be argued to be either good or bad. Today, I argue that globalism is a positive thing.


Because globalism has brought some of the US traditions of Halloween to Peru. Is that really a good thing? Well....that's also something that could be debated as a positive or negative thing. Today I argue that Halloween traditions coming to Peru are also a good thing.


Because it means that Plaza Vea (think Peruvian target and an exemplar of globalism in Peru) sells pumpkins for a few weeks before Halloween. Is that a good thing? YES!


Because I get to make Homemade pumpkin pie!!! Just like my mom's (but a little baby step down). I have successfully carved, diced, boiled, scraped, and pureed two and a half giant pumpkins. The 1/2 because the warmer weather and humidity in Trujillo apparently means that half of your pumpkin will grow mold after 2 days...lesson learned.

2 and 1/2 giant pumpkins means I have enough pumpkin puree to last me until I leave Peru for good next July. So far, I've made mini pumpkin pies, normal sized pumpkin pies, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin lattes, and cinnamon chocolate chip pumpkin bread. Yes, those are just as delicious as they sound. There of course is much more of this to come- including, but not limited to: Pumpkin mousse, pumpkin swirl cheesecake, pumpkin fudge pumpkin cream cheese spread, pumpkin gingersnap parfaits, pumpkin soup, pumpkin bread, pumpkin bars, and yes of course, More homemade Pumpkin pie...