Thursday, December 4, 2008


isn't technically plagiarism if you give due credit. order to give you all an idea of what kinds of fun exploration activities I have taken part in lately, I present to you:

Julie Roger's Blog post about going the the Chacra!
(click above to see the original post)

several, several weeks ago now Gillian and I were invited to visit the chacra. what is the chakra you are now asking yourself? well... a chacra is more or less a family farm. our friends Omar and Jamesson invited us to visit the chacra for a day. they are brothers, although... unless i had been told i would have never guessed, they are very very different both in personality and in physical appearance in my opinion. but, they both take classes at SALI and are both an incredible amount of hilarious fun to hang out with. they have an uncle who owns a farm, about two hours ish away from Trujillo. so.. one saturday gillian and i prepared for a visit to the farm... chickens and cows and hay here we come? no. not so much. haha i think that mostly the farm is made of rice fields, although... i am no expert on what blade of grass is different from another... so there maybe be much much more there, and i also heard jamesson tell us that they have avocado trees somewhere... so our future holds fresh guacamole! (gillian and heather make amazing guac)
the day at the farm was wonderful, to say the least. we went with omar, jamesson, and their uncle, who may be 50( or+..) but he definitely has the heart of a 20 year old. it was fun just to watch them all interact together. the view on the way there was beautiful... mountains and towns and flowers and people and lake and... just everything. here are some pictures, i hope you enjoy:

to me this is a perfect picture of the personalities of omar, jamesson and their tio (uncle) they like to joke around a lot, and make everyone laugh.

yes, yes this lady is crocheting along the road. she is awesome.

omar thought we were taking a serious picture....

there was mud... everywhere... and of course by the end of the day we all had mud all over ourselves either by accident, or on purpose because they guys thought it was funny to throw it. okay maybe gillian and i joined in. there wasnt anyone else around! we could act like kids! the funniest part is a story that their uncle told one of this friends when we arrived back in town about why we came back dirty. he told his friend...You wanna know what happened? i came with four girls... and the two peruvians girls fell in the mud! (both jamesson and omar fell into the mud.. gillian and i were a little more graceful)
rice fields... yes they really were that green. they were beautiful
in peru its common to see more than one person on a one person bike... it doesnt look that comfortable but we see people on the streets of trujillo all the time like this. so... there was a bike at the farm.. and gillian and i gave it a try... i think we laughed more than we moved anywhere. and yes, it was uncomfortable. especially on a dirt road.

(thanks for writing this I can go actually work on lesson plans)


Anonymous said...

Hola Gillian o yidian..jijiji..Excelente paseo has tomado..veo que estas conociendo los alrededores de Trujillo.Quizas haya una oportunidad para invitarte a mi chacra para que conozcas el rio ,la naturaleza y los animales que alli habitan,ademas hay mucha fruta de estacion y por supuesto que alli se prepara un rico aji de gallina y lomo saltado..Se que te que eres amante de la naturaleza y de los panoramas naturales.

un abrazo y un beso

Tu admirador.. secret...

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Gillian Baikie

He leído todos los post de tu blog. He podido conocer más de tu personalidad, la sinceridad con la que escribes cada linea, cada frase, cada texto, cada post.En realidad me impresiona tu capacidad para expresar tus ideas, emociones y reflexiones. A un acontecimiento cotidiano, le das una particular visión filosofíca.
Tienes el don de la escritura. Pienso que puedes ser una gran escritora en el futuro cercano. Además veo que dominas bastante el presente progresivo y lo practicas constantemente en el arte de la escritura.
Como profesora eres excelente, posees una buena didáctica, mucha capacidad de sintesis.Ademas cultivas el arte de la música. Has desarrollado bastante tu sensibilidad hacia el Arte y te felicito por ello, Eres una mujer completa.
Recién he terminado de leer tu blog, me es tan motivante, tan expresivo, tan profundo. He leído cada línea, cada texto con especial y exaltadora atención. Pero releeré tu blog, para digerir e internalizar cada proposición, cada frase, cada texto… tan tuyo.
Este blog dice mucho de ti, de tu personalidad, de tus pensamientos, tus motivaciones.
Has depositado tu alma y tu corazón en cada frase, en cada pensamiento, en cada post. Me conmueve hasta el fondo del alma.
En realidad te admiro, quizás en silencio, admiro la grandeza de tu corazón, la sinceridad de tu alma, la pureza de tu espíritu.
A pesar de tu corta edad, sabes lo que quieres en la vida, tienes nobles propósitos, posees un sentido de vida trascendente, en cambio yo, soy como un barco a la deriva sin un norte, sin un rumbo fijo, sin luz en mi camino.
Admiro la sabiduría con la que vives la vida, el amor a Dios que manifiestas, y el deseo de servicio que muestras. Como tú dices, tiene mucha importancia el ambiente en la que nos hemos formado de niños y tú has tenido el mejor de los ambientes porque has crecido en el conocimiento de Dios y la practica del amor al prójimo.
También me sorprende tu filosofía tan sencilla pero muy efectiva (Live, love and learn).He leído tantos libros, tanta filosofía, pero en ninguna he hallado tanta contundencia, como si en tu pensamiento.

Seguiré leyendo tu blog

En verdad te admiro mucho!!!!


PD: si me contestas sabré que has leído mi comentario, entonces seguiré escribiéndote de lo contrario me pondré muy triste si no lo haces.

Anonymous said...

Ms baikie

Puedo Utilizar tu pensamiento (live,love,learn) como titulo de mi blog? me lo permites?? no me cobraras derecho de autor(copyright)?

I love it!

Espero tu respuesta!!
