Friday, January 8, 2010

Random Thoughts.

I just got back to Peru recently after spending 3 weeks in the states. I find that when I return, there is not really a pattern to my thoughts, it's like someone uprooted me, shook me around for a bit, and all my normal in order thoughts got jumbled and mixed around, so now there is a veritable smorgasbord that may not have so much rhyme or reason. Therefore, this post won't really have a lot of rhyme or reason.

  • One thing that I recently discovered was that thanks to Denver being awesome in all it does, including it's public library system, I can check out e-books for freeee! I'm currently reading Mirror, Mirror by Gregory Maguire (same author of Wicked). I only wish I had found this 2.5 years ago.
  • I also found out tonight that I whisper as I type. Everything I type I whisper. Weird habit, I know. I don't know where I picked that one up from.
  • It's been great being back in Peru, I already have eaten delicious Peruvian food, gone to a friend's birthday party, ridden in a few micros, spent time with one of my favorite families, and have watched a suitcase explode in my room...and have not cleaned it up.
  • I was invited to a wedding and the couple has the best wedding invitation I've ever seen

This past time of me being in the states was not so much culturally shocking in a very obvious way, but I think my subconscious was going crazy.

This manifested itself in my dreams, which were some of the nuttiest, consecutive crazy dreams I've ever had. Just to sample: one of the first nights I had a dream that involved College and my old professor who made many a student's lives hell, the Peruvian theater, Denzel Washington, Goblins, making homemade donuts, and letting them bake under some very large christmas trees which were all growing indoors. This was all in one dream.

My intercontinental limbo also was very evident when I woke up this morning, and literally had no idea which country I was in. day I'll figure where in the world my place is.

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