Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Things I hoped would never happen.

1) I've always hoped that I could maintain my perfect record of no broken bones.
2) I've always hoped to never need stitches
3) I've always hoped that I would be one of the lucky people who never needed to have her wisdom teeth taken out.

Son of a Gun. 1 out of 3.

My tooth started hurting on Saturday...specifically one my wisdom teeth which were never taken out because they never gave me problems and appeared like they wouldn't come in. I was so happy for this. The thought of having a tooth extracted from below the gums always made my timbers shiver, so I was very happy to assume that it would never give me problems.


Flash forward to today, when I woke up at 2 am in a lot of pain. I had to wait until morning because there are no 24 hour dentists in Trujillo, but I probably would have gone had there been. I got x-rays taken this morning, and sure enough my lower right wisdom tooth (in spanish, tercer molar or diente de juicio) was completely impacted and pushing on my other teeth. Yowzas. So I luckily got to see the oral surgeon right away, who shot me up with a couple stabs of a local anesthesia, and began the process.

Not a fun process mind you. And because the tooth was so deeply rooted, I spent over an hour listening to the interchanging (not-so) soothing sounds of a drill plus suction, and watching what appears to be a fancy ice pick get shoved into the tooth and cracking around. Not pleasant.

I had to start singing songs in my head to distract me. And after the surgery, stitches, and all the other hubbub that goes along with a wisdom tooth extraction, I shed a few tears because I really hated that one of the things I never wanted to have happen, came true....and it hurt.

Positives: My wisdom tooth is out, which hopefully means my jaw will stop popping so much...does anyone know if this is true or not? Maybe just wishful thinking? Either way, at least my teeth won't hurt after everything is healed

I had a delicious chocolate milkshake..and only that for my sustenance today...not bad.

Despite the fact that my dreams were crushed (along with my molar) about not having stitches, I can now say that I have only ever had two surgeries in my entire life (A Frenectomy last year, and now this one) They have both been oral surgeries, and they both have taken place in Peru, which has proven to be the land of firsts for me. At least it's a good story to tell.

Anyone have any good suggestions for recovery?

1 comment:

celiselott said...

Don't try and eat harder stuff too soon. It took me almost two weeks to get back to eating normally. (It was rather abnormal, I had a bad experience). I'll be praying for a quick recovery!