Thursday, February 11, 2010

A woman happily in love, she burns the souffle. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven.

Precisely one week ago, I was sitting with a large group of people from Memphis on a mission trip explaining about the great weather in Trujillo, and going on and on about how it almost never rains here.

Today, I mopped up every last one of those words inside my house.

Thanks to El NiƱo (which can be oh so fantastically explained here) and/or various other meteorological reasons that I just don't understand, it has been raining for the better part of the last 7 days. Today, being the worst of it all...for me anyway.

See here's the thing, Trujillo. You are a fantastic really are, but if there were some sort of a survivor reality show competition for cities to see who is the best, strongest, and most prepared to face challenges, you would be kicked off no later than week 2.

No Storm Drains + Adobe/Porous Concrete Houses + Flat roofed houses + Open courtyards because it "never" rains here = Me waking up at 7am to a flooded house.

Water was Eeeeeeverywhere. I wish I had taken a picture of the army of buckets we had trying to catch all the drips, but I was too busy mopping up what was quickly turning into a new Peruvian reservoir to take a picture. Rough morning. Luckily, the heavens decided to stop being such a bully and it stopped raining around 11. Heck, the sun even came out a bit for a few hours to make matters a little better.

And just to show that no day is completely bad, after we dumped out the umpteenth bucket of water, I was able to sit down and watch Sabrina. The 1954 Audrey Hepburn/Humphrey Bogart classic that makes any problem in life disappear for 113 minutes while you get caught up in boat neck shirts, fedoras, schmaltzy nostalgic music, and the way that Mr. Bogart pronounces the words "To-mah-ta Juice." It's truly delightful and makes me want to start using antiquated phrases and memorize alot of one-liners so that I can always deliver the most perfect thing to say.

(One of which would serve very well to end this blog post...Sigh...I need Humphrey)

1 comment:

Heather said...


Very strange indeed. So sorry for the flood in your house, but you did right by finishing off with Classic Sabrina - one of my favorites, for sure.

Miss you girlie!