Sunday, February 21, 2010

My friend Giac

Yesterday was the giant birthday bash of my friend Giacomo. "Who is Giacomo?" you ask.

Why....he's only the coolest kid in the world.

Height- average
Build- average
Personality- larger than you've ever seen.

Giacomo (named for Puccini, of course) Serrano belongs to Ronald and Tatiana and makes up One Sixth of the best family in the world. Giacomo, like everyone in his family has extraordinary musical talent and plays the cello, piano, and, in addition to many other songs, can sing the entire Black Eyed Peas "I gotta feeling" without actually being able to speak English. I've told him many a time that He's the best English singer I know who doesn't know any English. He's sort of the middle child but he wouldn't dare let you think that he can be forgotten in any way.

Giacomo and I bond over many things. Cello, Scrabble (in English and Spanish), and music, but one of our favorite pastimes is cooking. Giacomo is going to be a chef, and probably be the next Gaston Acurio, Peru's most famous chef. And knowing Giacomo, he'll be even bigger. He loves to cook, bake, eat, and learn about everything related to food. We watch cooking shows together, and then practice recipes. Giacomo can make alfajores that will knock your socks off, and at the age of 11, he even realized that he could make a little extra spending money by selling them. His dad plays for the Trujillo symphony, and Giacomo would accompany Ronald to rehearsals so that he could sell the cookies during the symphony's break. He made quite the profit for an 11 year old's pocket.

But that's Giac. Nothing is done halfway, because he knows that putting your entire soul into something makes it all the more enjoyable.

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