Saturday, July 14, 2007

Five finger calendar...

You can count the days I have left in the United States on one hand now.

I have the feeling that my life will be changing drastically.
No duh, Gillian.
But, beyond stating the obvious, I feel that my life will be changing much more than I expect. And to be perfectly honest, I'm excited about the unexpected. Every time I go to Peru I learn lessons I never counted on learning and experience things I never imagined. I suppose I am finding peace in the unknown. Knowing that I actually have no idea what will happen makes me throw any preconceived notions out the window. Maybe this should be scary to me, but it's not.

I'll tell you what is scary though. Adulthood.

There comes a time in every twenty-something's life when they must step over that threshold of a college student life and into the proverbial "real world." And supposedly, my time has come. Here's why one might be tempted to believe that I am actually becoming an adult- I just bought my own health insurance plan.

And now, here's why that adult rumor should not be taken too seriously- After carefully going over my insurance packet that explains my coverage, I realized that I understood somewhere between 7 and 8 percent of what I read. I know absolutely nothing about health insurance (or probably any insurance for that matter), I can't understand their insurance jargon, nor could I even give you a decent definition of a premium, deductible, or what a PPO is, or even what it stands for. Frankly, I'm not sure what I just paid for, but modern bureaucracy tells me I need it, and it's time like these when I wonder how hard it would be to become a hippie of the 21st century.

So there you have it, I'm being forced into adulthood, and I don't understand the lingo. That's how they get you. Phooey on this, I'm moving to Peru.


Cornucopia of Love said...

Well put my friend. I will join you on any peaceful picketing or gypsy/hippie action you would like!

Anonymous said...

So are you all packed up then? I hope you have a safe journey and smooth transition. I'm very excited to start reading your posts from Peru!!! If you ever need any provisions from the good 'ole US of A then give a shout too.