Monday, July 9, 2007

I just flew in from Peru and boy are my arms tired...

Well folks, I'm ten days away from moving to Peru, and it's just a little bit surreal. I've been looking forward to this for so long that once the day finally comes, I don't think I'll quite know what to do with myself. But no worries yet, I'll figure it out when I get there.

So, what have I been doing to pass the time, you might ask? well, for starters, my brother get married last weekend, so the whole family traveled to Southern Illinois for a five day wedding blitz. It was nice...and stressful. Nice and stressful indeed. Then I visited friends in South Carolina one last time. That was also nice...and humid, but mostly nice.

Then, yesterday, which of course was Sunday, marked the very first Peruvian Luncheon/Talent show at King of Kings Lutheran church, my home church in Colorado. We put it together to help raise more support for my time in Peru. It was a great day and so far, about $1350 was raised, and Thrivent promised 3/1 matching funds which means that the whole event will bring in about $1800- which of course, is overwhelmingly encouraging to see people becoming active with Peru Mission. I cooked a Peruvian meal for 60 and gave others a chance to experience lomo saltado and aji de gallina, even some chicha morada and Inca Cola (Peruvian drinks which you can get in Denver if you're interested by the way). We had about 10 acts for the talent show after lunch which included a magic act, some stand-up comedy direct from Pastor Schlecte, and the soulful stylings of Mr. Jim Rasmussen playing the bagpipes. I believe everyone had a great time. But to wrap this post up in true church bulletin style- A fun time was had by all.

1 comment:

~marie said...

aw man! i wish i could have sent you back that JUMBO JUMBO bag of rice left over from your last dinner. maybe i'll airmail it to you in peru :)