Friday, November 16, 2007

El Día de Acción de Gracias...

I am currently one day away from Friday; two days away from having a weekend; five days from finishing classes for the month of November at SALI; and 6 days away from Thanksgiving. I'm excited about Friday, more excited about the weekend thing, ecstatic about finishing classes for November, and a bit taken aback by the Thanksgiving thing.

Obviously, Thanksgiving is a U.S. American holiday and with Peru not being the USA, I have not been surrounded by thoughts of turkeys, mashed potatoes, and cranberries dancing in my head. It's very surreal having to remind yourself that there is a holiday that has been a very important of your life since you've been on this earth coming up soon. There is no mention of crescent rolls, pilgrims, parades, Mayflowers, giving thanks for families, or pumpkin pies in Peru. Next Thursday will be another day. Just any old Thursday.

Living in Peru has given me a better understanding about what it means to be an immigrant, and in turn, a profound respect for those people who have chosen to leave behind families and countries for various reasons. So many immigrants have left behind traditions, cultures, and much more to establish a life where they feel called to be. This is my first Thanksgiving that I haven't spent with my family. Ever. I'm a little saddened by it I suppose, but at the same time, content with where I am and comforted knowing that I was called here for a purpose.

With that said, here's a little tribute to the old giving of thanks as well as to my old roomie Diana- A Turkey Named Brotherhood

From: Addams Family Values (A simply stunning movie)


calebsutton said...

I have to confess that I haven't really thought about how my situation in Peru can enlighten me about how immigrants in the U.S. feel. This upcoming holiday is certainly a reminder of that.

Anonymous said...

Excellent clip. Happy Thanksgiving!

Gillian said...

Thanks Brother, There are few people in my life who I know appreciate that movie as much as you and Diana. Happy Thanksgiving! I miss you!